
on suppressing the vote

watch our democracy disintegrate right before your eyes. GOP-paid companies are being charged with setting up voter registration offices that destroy democratic registrations in Nevada and Oregon. GOP-supporting Secretaries of States are refusing to print enough ballots (Milwaukee), refusing to accept ballots with minor errors (Florida), attempting to use flawed, and known to be flawed voter-purge lists that discriminate against African Americans (Florida), refusing to provide a paper trail for unreliable touch-screen voting machines (Florida), refusing or obstructing the acceptance of registrations based on paper weight (Ohio), and making provisional voting difficult (Ohio). here's a few fun reads.

shenanigans run-down
Florida and more Florida
various (including Nevada, Wisconsin, Colorado)
paul krugman's take on affairs
on sprouls's ghouls (oregon, nevada, west virginia). Sproul is a GOP operative who ran the offices where employees tore up democratic registration forms.

on provisional voting
Provisional Voting Glance
A 2002 election reform law requires every state to offer backup, or provisional ballots to voters this year. The ballots will be used when voters think they are properly registered but their names do not appear on the rolls. States have adopted different rules for evaluating the ballots.

-- Number of states that will count provisional ballots only if they are cast in the correct precinct: 26 and the District of Columbia.
_Number of those states that are considered among the most contested for the presidency: five.
_States facing lawsuits now over rules for provisional ballots: Colorado, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Missouri.
_Deadline to count provisional ballots in battleground Michigan: Nov. 9, seven days after the election.
_Number of provisional ballots cast in a Chicago primary last March: 5,914.
_Number of those votes later determined eligible: 416.

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