
october surprise in new jersey?

from a suspicious newswatcher on livejournal.com

Surprise! It's October!
As you may or may not have heard, a Kuwait newspaper said the U.S had captured m Zarquai, which U.S and Iraqi officials denied. So where are The President and Mr Bush today, 16 days before the election? In Washington.

From ABCnews "The Note".
With 16 days left to go until Nov. 2, Sen. John Kerry attends church in Columbus, OH at 10:00 am ET before flying to Florida, where he holds an early-vote kick-off rally in Pembroke Pines at 4:40 pm ET. Kerry's visit to the state that decided the 2000 election comes one day after President Bush stumped there. Kerry's running mate, Sen. John Edwards, is also in the Sunshine State. He addresses a Baptist church in Dayton Beach, FL at 11:00 am ET, attends an early vote rally at the University of Florida in Gainesville at 2:15 pm ET, and attends a rally at Florida A&M University in Tallahassee at 7:15 pm ET.

President Bush and Vice President Cheney spend the day in Washington, DC with no public events. On Monday, President Bush will travel to New Jersey — a Democratic-leaning state that the President would like to keep in play — to deliver a major speech on terrorism in Burlington County.

But, of course, the last time he announced a major policy speech, it was just a ruse to get a free hour of airtime to display his stump speech. let's hope that's all it is tomorrow.

UPDATE: that's all it was. free airtime, a ruse. some president.

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