
Newspeak, endorsements, Hillary's problem with black voters

From the Dept of Newspeak
Probably the most important story recently: the US gov employed a gaggle of military men in a propaganda campaign to appear in news outlets and build public confidence in the iraq war; the mainstream media responds with:

Hillary's African-American Problem
I wrote an essay on DailyKos yesterday about this issue: why are the media only asking about Obama's difficulty getting white working-class voters, and not asking Hillary about her difficulty getting African-American voters? (My essay had a lot of responses, including a handful of African-American voters who stated that they have already switched their registration to "independent", and that everyone they know is steadfast in their refusal to vote--ever--for Hillary. The Politico found a similar essay, and seems to pose questions about Hillary's viability without this population, as well. Clyburn and Butterfield are starting to state this baldly...

Humor: Ridiculing the Ridiculous. And Rightly So.
  • Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert take on Hillary's claims to lead in the popular vote
  • Seems many people have noticed a similarity between Hillary and the Black Knight from Monty Python's The Holy Grail. Example One, Two, Three, Four.
Primary Analysis
Growing the Party: Obama rolls out massive voter registration campaign. Journalists don't care.

TV Watch: Rev Wright speaks with Bill Moyers friday night

More reasons why McCain is a baddie.

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