
Good news following bad....

All that, for a net of 10 delegates.
I'm exhausted. Hillary threw the kitchen sink for an increase of 10 measly delegates.

Broadening the coalition

Obama gains in key demographics compared with Ohio

Growing the Base: Dems have the energy!!
Obama got 60% of new voters in PA. Even losing, Obama still got 200k more votes than all repubs combined; both dems got 2.25 million to repubs 800k. New dem registrations in PA (over 300k) mean that there are now more dems registered in PA than republicans (4.1 million to 3.2)!

Great Analysis of Why Obama Lost
Cutting through the spin.

A Bit of Logic

On thinking through the clintonian focus on the popular vote
On the "double-digit" win: "Excuse me, but 9.4 doesn't round to 10"

On Hillary Winning

Humor: Tom Tomorrow cartoon
The Maths: she needs 71% of the vote in remaining contests
More humor: How Hillary Can Still Win

More endorsements today (and it's still early)
Governor of Oklahoma (superdelegate) and 50 Edwards backers from NC endorse Obama

Good read
Hendrick Hertzberg eviscerates the ABC debate (and the argument that we need to ask candidates bs questions because the repubs will) in the New Yorker

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