
the short edition

The short version. A few tidbits to make you smile, and cringe.

Stimulating the base...the democratic base! Volunteers coming out of the woodwork...One great story from LA, and another from somewhere else...

Apparently, the McCain campaign tried to use wounded troops as a prop, and f-ed up big time. The image shown behind McCain during his acceptance speech (snore) was Walter Reed MIDDLE SCHOOL...not the Walter Reed veterans hospital...and school administrators are not happy about it..

you know that cute talking point about how palin is such a maverick that she cut government spending by getting rid of the governor's plane, by selling it on ebay, for a profit! well, actually she tried to sell it on ebay, no one nibbled, so she sold it, through a broker, at a loss...

and last night, the mccain campaign pimped 9/11 to make us afraid...and keith olbermann calls them on it, and apologizes that such extended, and graphic, footage was played. thank you, keith!

excellent tv alert: monday night, obama will be on keith olbermann's countdown, and that will be followed by the debut of rachel maddow's new show!

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