
on Cheney, Halliburton and Iran

Edwards pointed out that Halliburton and its subsidiaries did business with Iran, when Cheney was CEO. He even pushed for the lifting of sanctions during his tenure. Now he calls Iran "the world's leading exporter of terror."

The AP reports:
At an energy industry conference in 1996, Cheney said sanctions were the greatest threat to Halliburton and other American oil-related companies trying to expand overseas.
"We seem to be sanction-happy as a government," Cheney said. "The problem is that the good Lord didn't see fit to always put oil and gas resources where there are democratic governments."
(emphasis mine)

even last year, Halliburton continued to do business with Iran.
Halliburton's foreign subsidiaries did about $65 million in business with Iran last year, company documents say. A federal grand jury is investigating whether Halliburton or its executives deliberately violated the U.S. ban on trade with Iran.

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