
david kay speaks

from Josh Marshall's blog, which goes on in further detail, noting how this clear statement was twisted on CNN this morning. Check out his reporting here.

David Kay (remember that guy?) was on Newsnight last night, talking about the videotapes shot by embedded reporters with the 101st Airborne, which clearly show large quantities of the explosives in question at al Qaqaa as late as April 18th, 2003. They even have footage of the IAEA seal being clipped off the warehouses as they're going in. The host of the show, Aaron Brown, asked if the debate about when the explosives went missing was over. Here is what Kay said :

"Well, at least with regard to this one bunker, and the film shows one seal, one bunker, one group of soldiers going through, and there were others there that were sealed. With this one, I think it is game, set, and match. There was HMX, RDX in there. The seal was broken. And quite frankly, to me the most frightening thing is not only was the seal broken, lock broken, but the soldiers left after opening it up. I mean, to rephrase the so-called pottery barn rule. If you open an arms bunker, you own it. You have to provide security. "

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