

As we await the VP selection, we've been treated to a little comedy (of errors?) by John McCain, who has just not had the best of days.

Today, in an interview, he stated that he doesn't know how many houses he owns...

That's right folks. He's just not sure.

When criticized by the Obama campaign for his obliviousness to his own wealth, and how that might affect his economic policy (remember Phil it's-just-a-"mental-recession" Gramm...and before that, John your-economic-problems-are-"psychological" McCain), McCain's campaign tried to deflect with the following responses: he's a POW! they're his wife's houses! and obama has a million dollar house and has been connected to tony rezko! They're even now saying that Rev. Wright is now "fair game." (hint: it's going to get ugly, folks.)

So...for your entertainment...check out what may be one of the best videos of this election (and it's only 1 minute long!)

And, for an extra treat, today's footage of Obama kicking a** and taking names...

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