
Fragile Iraq, McCain and Clinton "Gaffes," Clinton and the kitchen sink

Sober news on Iraq
Violence increases between US and Shiite militia. Truce looks increasingly fragile.
It hasn't been reported much in the news, but one of the significant reasons that violence declined in Iraq over the last year was not only that we escalated the number of troops, but that Moqtada al Sadr declared a ceasefire. That ceasefire is the reason we see fewer bodies in the street, but now it looks like the ceasefire is fraying.

The Seriousness of the McCain "Gaffe"
Bill Maher remarks on McCain, his dumb remarks confusing Shia and Sunni, and his warrior mentality

Clinton under fire
Hillary says she "misspoke" about bosnia (fleeing from sniper fire).
The mainstream media pick up the story.
Did she lie, or misremember? Good commentary about Hillary and her miscalibrated "threat perception"

Hillary: Wright would not have been my pastor
All of a sudden, after not touching the story, Hillary decides today is a good day to resurrect the Rev. Wright controversy. To a seriously conservative newspaper, nonetheless--the one that accused her of murdering Vince Foster, owned by Richard Mellon Scaife

Other lovely comments from the Clinton Campaign
Carville defends calling Bill Richardson "Judas" for his disloyalty to Hillary:
Hillary claims "pledged delegates" aren't really pledged
Clinton finance committee member compares Rev. Wright to David Duke

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