
the mental health break edition

So, the polls are looking good (*understatement*) and so let's take a breath before McCain/Palin start getting really, really ugly, and have a laugh and a smile.

Feel-good Video:
Stories to make you smile:
  • A voter registration story from Carol, my mother-in-law--who rocks!!
As you may know, I have been registering folks to vote. Yesterday, I was at Walmart in Vero Beach, FL. I ask everyone going into the store if they are registered or need to change their address, etc. One man wearing a Marines cap and I assumed a Vietnam vet came out after grocery shopping and stopped by the table. He said "I am 58 years old and I have NEVER voted! Can you believe THAT? I want to vote." He filled out the registration form and checked the Democratic box. He turned around to get his cart with his groceries and it was gone! We looked all around for it and it was nowhere to be found. He talked to the baggers and they had not put it anywhere. Walmart gave him a couple of pizzas, but what a pathetic sign of the times. My heart broke for him. Every day I spend time registering folks, my heart is touched by someone:college students, parents, vets, senior citizens, immigrants, etc. It has really been an education for me and "all" I thought I was doing was volunteering to register folks to vote! There's a BIG difference between hearing the pundits on television talk about the economy and being in the midst of the reality on the street. My resolve has been made even stronger to work harder for Barack Obama!


P.S. There is no discussion of candidates when registering people.

I encourage you to get into the campaign too!

Tools for you to use:

Finally: please make a donation, if you can! We will win this by playing a better ground game--which is why McCain is playing defense in Indiana, North Carolina, and Virginia...and the ground game means lots of paid organizers to coordinate the hundreds of thousands of volunteers that we've got working all across the country...So far I've raised $115 for the campaign by writing this news digest--thank you to everyone who's given so far!!

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