Obama's trip abroad, Berlin
Just a quick reminder: McCain, the RNC and Fox needled Obama about visiting the Middle East...do you think they now feel that was a good strategy?
Good overview of what made this trip successful: Obama's actually really smart.
CBS "edited" an interview between Katie Couric and John McCain, in which he made a serious mistake about the timeline (and causes) of the decline of violence in Iraq (watch the real footage, released later). McCain then tried to spin and lie his way out of it, claiming that the term "surge" does not refer to the jan '07 increase of 30k troops, but the broader strategy of the "counterinsurgency". He really thinks we are fools. Or thinks we won't notice that he's a fool: he also, in that same interview, claimed that Iraq was the first major military action since 9/11. What about Afghanistan???
McCain's "respectful" campaign: Timeless tidbits from this week
Nas delivers 600k petition sigs to Fox, in protest of ongoing racism
Just a quick reminder: McCain, the RNC and Fox needled Obama about visiting the Middle East...do you think they now feel that was a good strategy?
Good overview of what made this trip successful: Obama's actually really smart.
- The Berlin speech can be seen here
- Great photo essay here.
- Way, way too cute! Little kids: "Just a moment, Obama is speaking"
- Short, moving essay about seeing American flags being waved in Berlin.
- Lame republican responses--McCain suggests that Obama shouldn't be making speeches on foreign soil, forgetting that he did so himself in Canada just a month ago; others complain that Obama should use the phrase "citizen of the world," even though it was used by Reagan and Kennedy (in his inaugural address) before...McCain also said Obama was wrong to cancel a visit to the troops in Rammstein--but it turns out that the Pentagon reversed their previous approval of the visit, and wouldn't allow Obama to visit.
CBS "edited" an interview between Katie Couric and John McCain, in which he made a serious mistake about the timeline (and causes) of the decline of violence in Iraq (watch the real footage, released later). McCain then tried to spin and lie his way out of it, claiming that the term "surge" does not refer to the jan '07 increase of 30k troops, but the broader strategy of the "counterinsurgency". He really thinks we are fools. Or thinks we won't notice that he's a fool: he also, in that same interview, claimed that Iraq was the first major military action since 9/11. What about Afghanistan???
McCain's "respectful" campaign: Timeless tidbits from this week
- McCain said that Obama would rather win an election than lose a war.
- McCain campaign suggests Obama is soft on genocide, in response to Obama's statement at the Holocaust Memorial
- Analysis shows that it's not a "toss up" or "dead even" race
- Obama leads McCain by 43% with Hispanic voters!
- Obama's small donors--alone--outraise McCain
- From 50-state strategy to 50-state ad buy: Obama purchases $5million ad buy during the Olympics
- We caught up in DNC, House and Senate fundraising in June
- We've grown! 1.7 million new democrats since 2004.
Nas delivers 600k petition sigs to Fox, in protest of ongoing racism
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