
Postprimary wrapup

So many good links to share, but this is not nearly comprehensive of what's happened in politics in the last week (Senate committee states that Bush took us to war on "false pretenses", Kucinich introduced articles of impeachment; McCain admits he doesn't know how to use a computer, made a bunch more "gaffes", Scott McClellan agrees to testify against Bush administration...I could go on and on, but I won't.) Hope you enjoy.

1. On advocating for Obama: quick review of his legislative record! Good to have in your mind, for all those times when someone says, "but what has he done?"

2. On the post-primary "surge"; or, a look at the numbers
  • Obama does better with Latinos than Kerry (and all sorts of other good data about Latino voters)
  • Obama's support solidifies in states that previously looked close, like New Jersey and Washington
  • New poll shows Obama "leads McCain among African Americans (83-7 percent), Hispanics (62-28), women (52-33), Catholics (47-40), independents (41-36) and even blue-collar workers (47-42). Obama is also ahead among those who said they voted for Clinton in the Democratic primaries (61-19)."
  • and the issue of money, money, money: GOP avoiding McCain
3. Wonder how Obama plans to campaign? Here's a few looks, all of which make me smile, smile, smile.

4. Analysis of the primary. You may well be done with the primary, and be done with thinking about the primary, but if you want a few takes on it, these are worthwhile reads:

Tempting overviews of essays on DailyKos (summarized by Kos)
  • Hunter opened with (appropriately) Why Clinton Lost, a sweeping overview that ultimately came down to: her campaign did not campaign.
  • smintheus weighed in with Change and the Bush Legacy, in which he argued that Clinton was so closely identified with Bush, mostly through her vote for the Iraq war, that a vote against her was the equivalent of a "smite Bush" button.
  • MissLaura explored the underutilization of volunteers and people who wanted to be participants in the campaign in She didn't channel supporter passion.
  • Devilstower drew attention to the role of Bill--and the unfortunate timing of the role he played--in Too Soon a Bulldog.
  • For georgia10, discussed how it all came down to her baggage and the scars from previous battles--the "things she carried"--Why Obama Just May Win Big In November.
  • DHinMI claimed error piled upon error for a campaign that was not seeing the contemporary political landscape clearly in She Fought the Last War, With the Wrong Generals, and Not Enough of an Army.
  • brownsox took the opportunity to look not so much at where Clinton went wrong as what her opponent did right in The Obama Express.
  • Trapper John deconstructed the misogyny and dehumanization that fed into the stereotype of the threatening, ambitious professional woman in The Nutcracker.
Two additional interesting analyses

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