
Good reads, the ABC Debate, Hillary disses MoveOn

Hi everyone!
sorry for the long delay between updates: i found the recent controversy over the "bitter" remarks and the entirety of the abc debate to be soul draining. i've recovered, have a lot of interesting tidbits for you...and i'm excited about pennsylvania on april 22nd!! donate or volunteer if you can!

Good reads!
  • Great essay on last night's rally in Philly--approx. 40k people, and lots of spirit! You can see the rally here. and the newspapers like Obama.
  • Undercover reporters detail the life of the Clinton and Obama campaigns from the perspectives of volunteers. Extremely illuminating!!!
  • Good column on feminism. Key line: "...we should remember that feminism is not about women only but about changing the values and style of discourse in the nation. "
Another example of Obama's appeal to republicans.

Hillary Disses MoveOn (and turnout)
Another example of Clinton's dismissal of the left/progressive wing of the Democratic party. A prominent pro-Hillary blogger is aghast. And not so long ago, Hillary had lots of nice words for MoveOn. I find it highly, and painfully, ironic that she is dismissing MoveOn in particular, when it originated in response to the republican frenzy around her husband's impeachment--remember, the original name of the organization was "Censure, and Move On". The undercover reporting of the Clinton volunteer shows why the Clinton campaign lost the caucuses...because they can't organize their way out of a paper bag.

Hillary Dissed Working-class Whites
Apparently Hillary has not always empathized with working class whites, telling Bill: "screw 'em, you don't owe them anything". A Harvard intellectual who was there explains.

The ABC Debate
A funny rundown of the disgraceful ABC debate, and the questions we really wanted answered. Even Rendell didn't like the debate much. Best thing since: Obama just brushes the dirt off his shoulder (with h/t to jay z).

On William Ayers.
Mayor Daley says: I know him too.

More truthiness: Clinton implied that people died as a result of Ayers' and others' activities, but none of the Weather Underground bombings killed anyone. Three of the group's members did die when they mishandled bomb-making materials. She also implied that Ayers responded to the events of Sept 11 by saying he had no regrets for the bombings. This is also inaccurate: his interview was coincidentally published on the day of Sep 11, having taken place some time earlier.

Ayers writes about the mistaken notion that he's unrepentant:
"I'm sometimes asked if I regret anything I did to oppose the war in Viet Nam, and I say 'no, I don't regret anything I did to try to stop the slaughter of millions of human beings by my own government.' Sometimes I add, 'I don't think I did enough.' This is then elided: [they write] he has no regrets for setting bombs and thinks there should be more bombings."

Sam Nunn and David Boren
Robert Reich endorsed Obama on Friday, and, earlier, had a good take on the "bitter" comments.
Since Super Tues, Obama has netted 65 superdelegates, while Clinton has added some and then lost some...not netting any gains.

Compassion Forum
I have the feeling that few people watched the "Compassion Forum," but it was actually pretty substantial. The audience members asked some good questions, and the moderators asked some dumb questions--and Obama gave thoughtful answers to both.

Metrics: on counting the popular vote.

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