
on PropaGannon (Jeff Gannon, GOP media mole)

there has been a flurry of activity about "Jeff Gannon" (alias), a GOP flunky posing as a journalist who is regularly called upon in White House Press Conferences. The good people at dailykos.com have been doing a lot of searching to figure out who this guy is and who's paying him to shill for the White House. It looks like, at best, he is a shill, and at worst, he was the central link in the exposure of Valerie Plame, CIA agent, wife of Joe Wilson, who called the White House on the false claims about the Niger yellowcake.

Looks like the hard work has paid off. Rep. Slaughter is calling for a Congressional investigation into this matter. Check it out! (for background, here)

My favorite part of her letter to Bush, a great summary:

"According to several credible reports, "Mr. Gannon" has been repeatedly credentialed as a member of the White House press corps by your office and has been regularly called upon in White House press briefings by your Press Secretary Scott McClellan, despite the fact evidence shows that "Mr. Gannon" is a Republican political operative, uses a false name, has phony or questionable journalistic credentials, is known for plagiarizing much of the "news" he reports, and according to several web reports, may have ties to the promotion of the prostitution of military personnel."

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