
semi-daily obama update: the hope edition

First of all. Remember, Obama's had more than a few landslides, himself. The media will remember this in a few days. Or not. It doesn't matter much, because we still have the math. Hillary needs to win more than 70% of the remaining delegates and supers to get the nomination. As George HW Bush said, "naht gahna happin".

Indiana turnout. More Dems voted in Indiana in this primary than did for Kerry in the 2004 General Election. In fact, almost as many dems voted in the primary as voted for Bush in 2004!

Obama leading by 20% in Oregon. 52 delegates at stake there. End of the road?

What double-digit victory in Ohio? Actual results are less than 9%.

AP Says Primary Over in Three Weeks. Superdelegate trends speak volumes.

Analysis: Obama doesn't have a white problem--Appalachia has an Obama Problem.

Gallup says Obama has strong support among white voters. As strong as Kerry did.

What We're Up Against: The Media Numbskulls. Chapter One: "She's the Al Sharpton of White People": And it continues: "He 'says' he's a Christian". And there's still more, coming from the "no, you're not crazy" department: the newsmedia covered rev. wright MORE than hillary clinton between Apr 28 and May 4.

What Wright Effect? Great news on favorability--no damage during this bruising primary season.

Clarification. There's been much talk about Obama "helping Clinton retire her debt," and there has been much confusion. The upshot: Nothing donated so far will go to Clinton's debt. Obama could choose to do a fundraiser for her, but monies donated to Obama's campaign will stay with Obama's campaign.

Is McCain too old? i'm actually really starting to wonder.

And to wit: some humor, too good not to copy and paste in full--

Lessons Learned by Hunter

Things I have learned during this campaign season:

In a race that includes a former First Lady of the United States and a multimillionaire Republican senator rumored to share up to eight residences with his wife, the black guy from Chicago is unforgivably elitist.

Racism in America is caused primarily by black Chicago preachers.

The guy who keeps getting confused over the relationship between Iraq, Iran, and al Qaeda is the foreign policy expert.

The guy who goes to campaign stops on his wife's private jet aircraft is the most down-to-earth.

The guy who changed his stance on tax cuts, Roe v. Wade, immigration, gun control, the confederate flag, torture, public financing, and his own anti-earmark rhetoric is the "straight talker".

People in the heartland don't like it when you call them bitter, but they do like it when you explain to them that they're too dumb to understand issues more important than whether or not they like to be called bitter.

Arugula is the measure of a man.

Bowling is the measure of a man.

Orange juice is the measure of a man.

Flag pins are the measure of a man.

Success in Iraq consists of any reduction in violence, except when violence increases that's good too.

A recession is only a recession if you call it one.

Bill Kristol, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove, Maureen Dowd, David Brooks, David Broder, Charles Krauthammer and Bob Novak are all intensely interested in giving advice to the Democratic candidates because they just want to be helpful.

There are people in this world dumb enough to believe every one of these things.